How to Create and Give a Thesis Defense Presentation
Jun 06, 2023
Do you want to create an impressive thesis defense presentation?
Today, we'll share some tips on how to make compelling slides. Moreover, we'll show you how to give a thesis defense presentation effectively.
In this blog post, we will go through the following:
Structure of your thesis defense presentation
Tips for your oral presentation
Frequently asked questions about crafting a proper thesis defense presentation.
Structure of Your Thesis Defense Presentation
When creating a thesis defense presentation, you must ensure that the following elements are present:
Title slide
The title slide must contain the information from your thesis's title page. This section includes the following:
The title of your study
The presenter's name
Your educational institution
Your course
Your thesis advisor
Introduction slide
In this presentation slide, you will showcase the following information:
The topic of your thesis defense or your thesis statement
The research questions your paper needs to answer
The research objectives
The solution that you will be defending
Quick Tip: Insert a brief overview of your research at the end of the introduction paragraph.
Literature review
Your thesis defense presentation should have a literature review after the introduction slide. This slide will list the most relevant research sources close to your topic.
In this slide, you can also include the areas of weakness of the related research.
In this slide, you must insert your method of research and argument. This section should include the following:
Whether you used qualitative, quantitative, or a combination of the two research methods
Why you chose your research methods
The details of the population, sampling methods, and other important information
How you analyzed your data
In this slide, you will showcase to your committee members the result of your research. Moreover, include each description of the data you collected, such as:
What you have discovered during your research
The results of your statistical analysis
The most significant findings from your data
Discussion slide
This slide should answer, "How do your research results support your thesis defense?"
Include the major findings and how they relate to your thesis statement.
Conclusion slide
The conclusion presentation slide must showcase the following:
The main points of your research questions
The results of your research topic
Suggestions for future research
Any limitation that you encountered during your research
Any final recommendations
Tips for Your Oral Presentation
The following are the common tips to ace your defense thesis presentation:
Practice your thesis presentation
Select the main points of your thesis presentation
Prepare for the unexpected question from your committee
Don't provide a baseless answer
Take a deep breath to avoid nervousness
Final Thoughts on How to Create an Impressive Thesis Presentation
Preparing for your thesis defense presentation can boost your confidence. So, aside from preparing compelling slides, you should also thoroughly study what you will defend.
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Frequently Asked Questions About Crafting a Proper Thesis Defense Presentation:
How many slides must a good thesis defense presentation have?
A good thesis defense presentation must have 9-12 slides and should last for about 10-15 minutes.
What is a thesis and dissertation presentation?
A thesis or dissertation presentation is delivered to defend a research or study. In most cases, completing a course or a degree is a partial requirement.
Why is it a thesis so long?
A thesis is long because statements must be supported with facts, data, and research.
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