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How To Ace An Interview Presentation: A Step-by-Step Guide For Job Seekers

interview preparation interview tips job interviews job search Apr 24, 2023

Are you required to prepare an interview presentation?

Let's make your interview presentation stand out as you showcase what you can do for your company.

In this blog post, we will cover the following processes:

  • What is an interview presentation?

  • What is the hiring manager looking for in an interview presentation?

  • Prepare your presentation

  • Five key points in winning interview presentation

  • Frequently asked questions about interview presentations.

What is an interview presentation?

An interview presentation is a chance to showcase your skills to a company. The interview presentation will center on the duties you will carry out as part of your employment function.

During the recruitment process, some companies might ask you to present why you are the right fit for the role. The hiring manager will evaluate your performance for the executive job interview presentation.

This interview presentation is also about sharing your work experience, ideas, and an overview of your qualifications for the job.

What is the hiring manager looking for in an interview presentation?

Your hiring manager is looking for an employee who knows the job and fits perfectly into the company culture. Asking the potential employer to provide interview presentations is one way to assist them in choosing the right person.

During the interview presentation, your potential employer may consider the following:

  1. Your capability to engage with your audience

  2. Your strong communication skills

  3. Your work and sector knowledge

  4. Your ability to follow instructions

  5. Your focus on detail

  6. Your organizational skills

Eventually, they will check if you meet the core competencies in the job description.

Six Steps in Delivering a winning interview presentation

The following are the key points to a successful presentation:

Step 1: Conduct research

do some research

Doing research for the company helps you to find answers to your queries about the job offer and the position you've applied for. Performing due diligence helps you understand more about the role within the company's context.

You will also discover the company's vision, mission, and goals.

Step 2: Write down notes

Another tip for winning an interview presentation is to make general notes. This way, you will have some guidelines for your slideshow's topics. 

Step 3: Prepare your presentation

Prepare a compelling interview presentation to make a great impression on your hiring managers. These materials can be your competitive advantage over the other applicants because they highlight your abilities and achievements.

Here are some tips for crafting an effective interview presentation: 

  • Craft an interesting story

  • Plan your delivery

  • Stick to the 10-20-30 rule

  • Keep eye contact and smile

Check out our detailed discussion about what makes a good presentation.

Step 4: Rehearse your delivery

Rehearse your entire presentation then practice your body language and eye contact.

You can determine if you're speaking slowly, firmly, and clearly by practicing your presentation in front of an audience. Time yourself to ensure you stay within the allotted time limit.

Note: Request comments from your audience regarding the clarity of your presentation.

Step 5: Know your audience

Know your audience

Your audience members will vary depending on the position you're applying for. So, if you're presenting to the executive hiring manager and company board members, use the right tone to capture their attention and pique their interest.

Step 6: Ask the right question during the interview process

Ask the right question in your blind presentations

Choose the right queries when they allow you to ask questions at the end of your presentation.

So, align your questions with their core values to ace the interview presentation.

Do you want to know how to create a well-structured presentation? Check out our latest blog, "What is a Presentation?" and learn more!

Final Thoughts on How to Ace Interview Presentations

The key takeaways in acing an interview presentation are to research, prepare, and organize your presentation. Don't forget to deliver the presentation with confidence and a smile. 

If you need a top-tier, customizable template for your interview presentation, visit Simple Slides! Discover our how-to-do guides on PowerPoint and Google Slides presentations!

Frequently Asked Questions on How to Ace Interview Presentations

How can I use a cue card during my interview presentation?

Use your cue cards as a reminder to help you recall significant numbers and facts.

What is a presentation brief?

A presentation brief is a tool you fill out before planning your presentation. It's the first thing you do. Moreover, it acts as a lighthouse, directing you toward a strong presentation.

How long should a presentation during an interview last?

The length of your presentation interview will depend on the hiring manager's decision. So, asking them about this detail before preparing your slides would be best.

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