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Learn How To Insert a Diagram In Google Slides

Mar 20, 2023

Do you want to showcase statistical data on your Google Slides but don't know how?

Inserting a diagram in Google Slides will allow you to make clear and concise PowerPoint presentations that your audience will love.

In this article, we will walk through the following:

  • How to add diagrams to your Google Slides presentation.

  • How to customize your diagrams in Google Slides.

  • How to edit your data labels in a diagram.

  • How to add and arrange your diagrams.

Insert Diagrams on Google Slides? Here's How!

Add diagrams to your Google Slides presentation.

To insert a diagrammatic data representation in your presentation:

  1. Open a new Google Chrome tab, click Google app, and select Google Slides.

    On your Google Chrome, click Google app and select Google Slides
  2. In the Google Slides tab, click the "blank presentation."

    Click the blank presentation.
  3. Select a slide where you want to create diagrams on your Google Slides. Then, go to the "Insert" tab, and click "Diagram" in the drop-down menu.

    Select a specific slide on your presentationthen click "Insert" and select "diagram."
  4. Select from the drop-down menu option which diagrams you want to use in your Google Slides presentation. For this example, we chose Hierarchy.

    In the stacking drop-down arrow, click "Hierarchy."
  5. When the "Hierarchy" pane appears on the right side of your presentation, navigate and select a style for your diagram.

    In the "Hierarchy" pane select a particular style for your new diagram.
  6. Once you click a specific style, your particular "Hierarchy" diagram will appear on the specific slide on your Google Slides.

    Once you click the diagram, your "Hierarchy" diagram will appear on your slide.

Customize your diagrams in Google Slides.

Suppose you want to customize your diagrams in your Google Slides presentation:

  1. Click and highlight all the text boxes of your diagram.

    Click and highlight the whole diagram in your presentation.
  2. Navigate to the toolbar, E.G., If you want to change the text color or your diagram text box, select "Border Color" and choose a color you want to use in your presentation.

    Select a diagram or chart border color
  3. Once you select a color from the "Border Color" option in the toolbar, your specific color appears on your Google Slides.

    after you select a border color, it will immediately appears on your diagram.

Edit my data labels in the diagram.

Suppose you input something irrelevant to your data representation and want to edit it:

  1. Double-click the section in the text box.

    double-click the title text of your diagram.
  2. Once you highlight the title text inside the text box, you can edit and start typing your desired data.

    To edit the data label in your diagram, start typing your text once the title text is highlighted.

Add and arrange your diagrams.

To organize and add your statistical diagrams from your Google Slides presentation:

  1. Select and drag an open section in your Google Slides.

    Select and drag your cursor in the connector and box you want to copy.
  2. When the connector and the text are highlighted, right-click your cursor within the area and click "copy" in the pop-up menu.

    right click and select "copy" option.
  3. Right-click again, and then select "Paste."

    and right-click again then seelct "Paste."
  4. Once your connector and text box appear, you can drag and arrange the connector to your desired position.

    Arrange the text box and connector once its been added to your Google slide.

You can press Ctrl+C to copy and Ctrl+P to paste elements in your Google Slides presentation.

Final Thoughts on How to Insert Diagrams in Google Slides

To create a new diagram for your next Google Slides presentation, follow the quick and easy step-by-step guides above!

However, if you're in a hurry and need awesome pre-made infographics for your presentation, check out Simple Slides. Access our customizable templates, slides, and infographics for your Google Slides or Microsoft PowerPoint presentations.

Frequently Asked Questions About How to Insert a Diagram in Google Slides Presentation.

What are the different types of premade diagrams and charts available in Google Slides?

Only six diagrams are available in Google Slides: Grid, Hierarchy, Timeline, Process, Relationship, and Cycle. At the same time, only four chart types are available in Google Slides bar charts, column charts, line charts, and Pie charts. You can add lucid chart diagrams for more charts and diagrams in Google Sheets and Google Docs.

Where are the diagram options located in Google Slides?

You can locate it in the "Insert" tab section of your Google Slides. Once you click the "Insert" tab, a drop-down menu opens; navigate to "Diagram" right under the "Chart" option.

What is the difference between charts and diagrams?

The difference between charts and diagrams is Charts are any form of graphical representation of data, while a diagram represents data when one of the variables is categorical.

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